Real Results For Real Life

Ready to ditch your diet? Typical diets lead to short term results followed by burnout, and sometimes leave you right back where you started. We teach how to eat the foods you love, enjoy your social life, AND stay on track with your goals.


If you're ready to make this the last time you ever worry about your weight, you're in the right place. Nutrition knowledge is just one piece of the puzzle.

Through our weight loss program, you'll learn about nutrition AND how to fit it into your life. You'll learn how to confidently navigate holidays, travel, parties and meals on the go. We also address mindset, emotional eating, cravings and so much more.

Armed with knowledge and our proven strategies, you'll see your relationship with food transform. Along with physical weight loss, you'll lose the mental weight of always worrying about food. You'll gain confidence, food freedom and lasting results.

Be sure to check out what our clients have to say by scrolling down to the bottom of this page in the Client Reviews section.

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Weight Management

Whether you have a little or a lot that you would like to lose, we are confident we can help you become the healthiest version of yourself. We have a proven track record.

We are more than just dietitians and nutritionists. We have a complete weight management program with everything you need for success. Daily on demand coaching content, weekly coaching opportunities, weekly private check-ins, between session chat directly with your dietitian (not some bot!), personalized meal plans that are as structured or as flexible as you need & more. This program is designed for our clients to gain the skills over 4 to 6 months and never need us again! If you bring the desire and commitment, you WILL get the results!

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Sports Nutrition

Fueling your sport, especially when competing at an elite level, requires far more than a generic meal plan or one & done cookie cutter advice. Performance nutrition is an ever evolving field of research, and you don’t have time to waste experimenting on your own. With highly personalized macro ratios, pre/post workout & recovery nutrition, trusted advice on supplements that are certified safe for sport & far more, we can help you take your training & competition to the next level with research supported strategies.

We’ve successfully improved the performance of teen, collegiate & Olympic athletes in strength and endurance focused sports. We've also worked with individuals competing in sports that are as mentally grueling as they are physically, such as Ironman athletes & cyclists competing in the Hotter Than Hell 100. Whether you’re a high school athlete looking for a competitive edge or a professional athlete striving to perform at the top tier of that 1%, we’ll customize a plan that fits your needs and goals. Due to our 100% virtual coaching environment, your location or busy training schedule is no barrier to your success.

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Client Reviews

See what they have to say about us.
48 Google
with an average rating of  
Hermengarda Puri's profile
1 month ago

Lindsey has been very supportive throughout my whole process of reaching my ideal weight. Always available and helping me find new ideas of how to manage my busy routine with keeping up with my goal to stay healthy and reach my ideal weight. I have learned a lot from her.
Bianca Welle's profile
2 months ago

My experience working with Lindsey has been truly eye opening and most importantly, lasting. I never thought that I could eat what I love, enjoy Holidays and normal family outings, and make progress towards my fat loss goals at the same time. My favorite part of working with Lindsey is that every time that I felt I had run into a roadblock, Lindsey offered not only knowledgeable but extremely practical advice that a busy mom can easily apply. This experience has rippled into other areas of my life in a positive way. Thank you Lindsey! :)
Laura Hines's profile
2 months ago

Working with Lindsey has been life -changing! She has helped me to change my perspective about nutrition and move away from the idea of "needing" to be on a diet. Not only has she been a great accountability partner, she has educated and supported me. This journey is less overwhelming with Lindsey's expertise!
Meaghan West's profile
4 months ago

I found Lindsey about 6 months before I ever booked an appointment with her. I stalked her Instagram and kept waiting for the "right time" to book her. I FINALLY booked an appointment with Lindsey and am forever grateful I took the leap of faith. I am down 20 pounds, but more importantly, Lindsey has helped me discover a lot about myself. I have learned that nutrition is far beyond what you put in your body. I am forever grateful to Lindsey and will recommend her to anyone (maybe recommended her to a stranger at the grocery store the other day). Thank you Lindsey for being so amazing!!
D W's profile
4 months ago

Lindsey is extremely thorough and attentive, fields all questions without judgement, and overall provides a great, stressless experience.
Monique Hale's profile
5 months ago

I am grateful to have found Lindsey! She has been a source of inspiration, guidance and support as I have journeyed to better health through nutrition and fitness. She is a powerhouse of information with a focus on clean eating and still enjoying life while focusing on nutrition. I highly recommend working with her if you want to see results and feel good about your process!
Drew's profile
8 months ago

I spent the last 12 months putting on about 10lbs before I met Lindsey. Within 6 weeks of working with eat pray lift program, I had lost all of that weight and feel much more confident with my food choices. I have completely changed my eating habits. Most of my clothes are too loose, and I have to wear a belt! The real bonus is Lindsey encouraged me to eat more, not less. She pointed out a lot of simple food ideas that cover the nutrition needs of my body. I don't feel like I am eating a restricted diet. If anything I have to remind myself to eat something because my usual cravings are just not there anymore.
Sarah Martin's profile
8 months ago

I’m a working mother of 2 toddlers and have been having difficulty losing the baby weight after my second child despite success after my first. I had been exercising and dieting for over two years without any movement. I found and met Lindsey and have already lost almost all the baby weight! I was at the end of my rope and about the give up hope until Lindsey guided me through the process. She is encouraging and helps me set realistic goals that I am able to maintain. She doesn’t shame me and continues to be one of my biggest cheerleaders. I’m able to fit into clothes that I haven’t comfortably worn in years, feel stronger and less tired, and am overall healthier. I highly recommend working with her!
Hannah Gacke's profile
10 months ago

Lindsey is such a rockstar dietitian! She takes the time to get to know you as a person, what your goals are, and helps give you the tools, resources, and guidance to meet them. With her help I was able to better understand what was contributing to my higher cholesterol and make adjustments to my lifestyle to lower it without taking away the joy of the foods I love to eat. I feel so equipped and empowered after her help, and would recommend her to anyone who wants or needs to work with someone on their nutrition!

Not ready to make a decision yet? Connect with us on social media & send us a DM to learn more about how we can help you.

How To Get Started:

We can discuss this via Instagram DM if you need guidance on selecting a package. CLICK HERE to connect on Instagram & start the conversation.

  • Step 1: Complete the Program Application
  • Step 2: We will review your application & contact you within 24 business hours to answer all of your questions about working together.
  • Step 3: Once we've answered all of your questions, you get to choose which level of the program best suits your needs. If you're not quite sure, we're happy to provide guidance.

Curious about coaching but not quite ready to apply? Let's connect on Instagram or Facebook. CLICK HERE to connect on Instagram or CLICK HERE to connect on Facebook. Send us a DM (direct message) to start the conversation. Not on social media? No problem! Send an email to We're excited to hear from you and want you to feel confident that we're a great fit!

There are many ways we can work together even if you're not seeking a nutrition coaching package.

Brand ambassador partnerships, sponsored blog posts, speaking engagements & social media collaborations just to name a few. Let's chat about your needs and how we can help! Email to get started.